Day 6
30 Day Challenge - Day 6
When Noah, whose name means ‘rest’, was born his father prophesied that relief from the curse of the earth would come through this son. (Gen. 5:29)
Nearly 600 years later humanity had become so wicked that God judged them and found them deserving of death.
Genesis 6:8 NKJV
But one man found grace in the sight of Yahweh: Noah.
“Build a boat for yourself - an ark of sturdy timber; and this is how you are to design it: make separate compartments in it, and seal it inside and outside with thick tar.”
Genesis 6:14 NKJV
Once it was built they covered the entire ark with thick tar; the Hebrew word used for tar is kopher. Kopher is a homonym. It can also be translated “the price of ransom for a life”.
Wood can be symbolic of humanity; Jesus’ humanity, our humanity. In these verses it also draws my mind to the cross. The price of ransom was paid by Jesus on the cross for all of humanity.
I’m sure the cross Jesus died on was covered in his blood; the blood that is the price of ransom for life. When we come to him to receive that atonement, we are covered by his blood.
The ark was covered in the price of a ransom for a life. Just as the ark only had one door, there is only one way for us to enter.
“The day came when Yahweh said to Noah, “Come” into the ark, you and your entire household, for I have found you to be the only one righteous in my eyes in this generation.”
Genesis 7:1
If you notice, God said “come”, not go. It seems to suggest that God was waiting for them inside the place of atonement.
And when Yahweh smelled the sweet fragrance of Noah’s offerings, his heart was stirred, and he said: ”Never again will I curse the earth because of people, even though the imagination of their hearts are evil from their childhood; nor will I ever again destroy every living creature as I have done. I promise this.
Genesis 8:21 TPT
As we receive communion, we are grateful for the price of ransom that was paid for our lives. We are grateful for the place of safety and protection we can run into to and be safe regardless of what is happening around us.