Day 3
30 Day Challenge - Day 3
We hear and see testimonials so often, we are rarely aware of them. They are used to convince us to buy just about anything, listen to the latest podcast or attend the next great event.
The underlying idea is that we are missing out on what “everyone” already seems to know.
David had just come out of an intense time of being captured by Saul and released when he wrote these words.
“I’m boasting of you and all your works, so let all who are discouraged take heart.
Join me, everyone! Let’s praise the Lord together. Let’s make him famous! Let’s make his name glorious to all.
Listen to my testimony: I cried to God in my distress and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears!
Gaze upon him, join your life with his, and joy will come. Your faces will glisten with glory. You’ll never wear that shame-face again.”
Psalms 34:2-5 TPT
David knew there were people missing out on what he knew to be true and he wanted to change that.
I have heard it said that “Whoever trumpets his victory will walk in victory.” When we share our testimony of God entering our mess and turned it around, our faith gets stirred up as well.
If you have cried to God in your distress and had Him answer you, if He has freed you from fears, then join David in boasting about God and all of His works! Someone will hear you and be encouraged.
If you are discouraged, gaze on Jesus. Remember the sacrifice He made to make you His. Ask Holy Spirit to remind you of answers to prayer or times you have heard Him speak to your heart.
Join your life with His through receiving communion. Joy will come.