Day 29

30 Day Challenge - Day 29

Covenant with God

Genesis 15:1

“Afterwards, the word of Yahweh came to Abram in a vision and said, “Abram, don’t yield to fear, for I am your Faithful Shield and your Abundant Reward.”

The Amplified Version says, “Your reward [for obedience] shall be very great”

In Genesis 14 we see bread and wine first used in a covenantal context.

Covenants are two sided, both parties are all in!

Abram had just won a significant battle that seems to have affected him deeply.

The word of God came to Abram. He heard God’s voice! God’s prophetic promise was far beyond what Abram could have imagined on his own.

Our God is a covenant making and covenant keeping God. Communion is a symbol and reminder of God’s covenant with us. A covenant is much more than a promise and communion is much more than a ritual.

As you receive communion, choose to actively receive the protection, provision, peace and righteousness available to you through covenant with God.

Watch the video “Covenant with God” here