Day 28

30 Day Challenge - Day 28

The Altar is Open

Psalms 43:2-4 The Passion Translation

“For you are where my strength comes from and my protector, so why would you leave me now? Must I be covered with gloom while the enemy comes after me, gloating with glee?

“Pour into me the brightness of your daybreak! Pour into me your rays of revelation-truth! Let them comfort and gently lead me onto the shining path, showing the way into your burning presence, into your many sanctuaries of holiness.

“Then I will come closer to your very altar until I come before you, the God of my ecstatic joy!”

Jesus, the ultimate High Priest, ended the need for an earthly high priest to make sacrifices on our behalf. Not only was the sin offering fulfilled once and for all, so was every other sacrificial offering in the old system. Through Jesus we have been given free access to the altar.

We come to the altar when we are whole or in desperate need of healing. We come to the altar because we are happy or grateful or hopeful. We come to express commitment or surrender or decision. We come to the altar simply to sit nearer to the heart of God. The altar is always the right place to go!

There was a time I was moving our daughter home from California. I had driven all night and was exhausted. At daybreak, I needed caffeine when the I saw an amazing sight - an open coffee shop with an incredible light coming from their sign. It looked like the star we see portrayed at Christmas.

In the same way I was drawn to the coffee shop, when we see something that we long for, the moment we lay eyes on it something happens to us! Our body may even have a physical reaction to what our eyes see.

Jesus has declared that it is open 24/7! There is no drive through that backs up or line of people causing you to wait.

As Jesus hung dying on the cross, the altar was forever opened for us! At the altar we find healing, strength, refreshing, instruction, anointing, and forgiveness. Our battles are won at the altar.

As you receive Communion, boldly accept your invitation to the altar He has opened for us! Receive everything you need in the place of communion with Father.