Day 27
30 Day Challenge - Day 27
The Lamb
“Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.
‘So this day shall be to you a memorial; and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord throughout your generations. You shall keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance.”
Exodus 12:13-14 New King James Version
The blood talked about in these verses is the blood of a flawless lamb. This blood was sprinkled on the doorpost of every Israelite home so the death angel would “pass over” the home. Passover occurred when God delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. The timing was set in motion from the beginning. God orchestrated every detail and each one had layers of prophetic meaning.
God’s plan for their immediate freedom pointed to Jesus being the ultimate Passover lamb. The lamb who would take the place of those destined to die if they would only apply the blood. Each annual Passover celebration between the exodus and the crucifixion was also prophesying the coming sacrifice of Jesus to those who were listening.
Jesus’ words at His final Passover celebration on earth regarding communion were also prophetic. He had not yet died. His words instructed us to drink his blood and eat his body, to be participants in his death and resurrection, to be united to him and to each other.
When we think of “the lamb” maybe we think about Isaiah’s words “despised and rejected by men”, alone in the garden, quiet before His accusers.
As the Lamb, Jesus is our everlasting sacrifice for sin. He was the blood on the doorpost for each household, the morning and evening sacrifice, the ram in the thicket and so much more. It is as the sacrificial Lamb that he has most fully displayed his love for us.
When we come to him at the cross, we can’t help but feel our deepest affection toward him. Becoming aware of the vastness of what we have been given and forgiven, we can’t help but love him more deeply than any other love.
As you receive communion, you are prophetically sprinkling the blood of Jesus over every entry point to your home and life. His blood, willingly given, is our freedom from sin and our protection.