Day 19

30 Day Challenge - Day 19


Numbers 4:7 Amplified Bible

“Over the table of the (showbread) bread of the Presence they shall spread a cloth of blue and put on it the plates, the dishes [for incense], the sacrificial bowls, the jars for the drink offering (wine) and the continual bread [of the Presence] shall be on it.”

Twelve loaves of specially made bread were on constant display on the Table of Showbread of Presence. The Israelites knew covenant with God and the unity of their twelve tribes as a nation were represented by these loaves.

What they didn’t yet understand is that the Messiah who would come, Jesus, is the ultimate Showbread. He is our daily manna!

John 6:32-33 The Passion Translation

“The truth is,” Jesus said, “Moses didn’t give you the bread of heaven. It’s my Father who offers bread that comes as a dramatic sign from heaven.

The bread of God is the One who came out of heaven to give his life to feed the world.”

John 6:58 TPT

“I am not like the bread your ancestors ate and later died. I am the living Bread that comes from heaven. Eat this Bread and you will live forever!”

Showbread in Hebrew literally means “Bread of the Faces". Additional meanings are “Bread of

Presence” and “Bread of Purpose”.

Bread of Faces represents Jesus. When we receive communion we are seeking His face.

Bread of Presence represents Father. When we receive communion, we are entering into His presence.

Bread of Purpose represents Holy Spirit. When we receive communion, we are coming into His purpose.

If you’re seeking His face, eat this bread and drink this cup.

If you desire His presence, eat this bread and drink this cup.

If you need to know your purpose, eat this bread and drink this cup.

Today, as we receive communion, we recognize that we are entering into His purpose, eating in His presence, and consuming His beauty.