Day 17

30 Day Challenge - Day 17

Thomas’ Encounter

Thomas saw miracles of every kind; he heard every parable and sermon; he was given authority to heal and cast out demons; he had been rebuked and forgiven and loved. Thomas watched people be raised from the dead; he had worshiped with Jesus and watched Him be betrayed.

Thomas knew nothing was impossible. We know he was passionate, loyal and not afraid to ask questions. (John 11:16, 14:5)

Jesus clearly tried to tell the disciples what would happen but His death still brought grief, questions and unmet expectations.

Following His resurrection, Jesus entered a room where most of the disciples were. He spoke peace, showed them his hands and feet and commissioned them to preach forgiveness. Thomas, however, was not there.

Thomas could have settled for hearing about their experience. He could have joined them in preaching without having a personal encounter with Jesus but that is not the kind of man Thomas was.

John 20:25 “Still unconvinced, Thomas replied, “There’s no way I’m going to believe this unless I personally see the wounds of the nails in his hands, touch them with my finger, and put my hand into the wound of his side where he was pierced!”

Thomas wanted more than second hand knowledge. He wanted a deeper encounter than he had ever had. He was not going to move forward without having his deepest questions answered and deepest longings fulfilled.

V.26 Then eight days later, Thomas and all the others were in the house together. And even though all the doors were locked, Jesus suddenly stood before them! “Peace to you,” he said.

Thomas certainly recognized Jesus standing in front of him and his rabbi’s familiar voice saying “peace”. Would that be enough to make him believe what his mind could not comprehend?

V. 27 Then, looking into Thomas’ eyes, he said, “Put your finger here in the wounds of my hands. Here—put your hand into my wounded side and see for yourself. Thomas, don’t give in to your doubts any longer, just believe!”

Jesus knew the questions and doubts in Thomas and spoke directly to his heart with kindness and love.

V. 28 Then the words spilled out of his heart—“You are my Lord, and you are my God!”

It wasn’t until Thomas saw, touched and identified with the wounds his Lord received on his behalf that every part of his body, soul and spirit cried out “You are my Lord, and you are my God!”

Receiving communion is an opportunity to encounter Jesus at a deeper level and to exchange our doubts, fears and questions for His peace, purpose and answers.

When we take communion we are identifying with Jesus’ sacrifice. 1 Corinthians 10:16 calls it our co-participation with the body and blood of Jesus.

Today, as you encounter Jesus through his broken body and spilled blood, let the words fill your heart and spill out “You are my Lord and my God.”
