Day 16
30 Day Challenge - Day 16
Sweetness and Joy
“Satisfy me in your sweetness, and my song of joy will return. The places you have crushed within me will rejoice in your healing touch.”
Psalms 51:8 TPT
Are there places within you that need to be crushed, surrendered or placed under the blood of Jesus? Is there pride? greed? independence? idolatry? anger? complaining? self indulgence?
Let Him expose the roots that need to be pulled up.
It takes humility to admit these places in our lives before we surrender them to Holy Spirit. When we do, we receive the forgiveness, healing and deliverance provided for us through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
In the wilderness, God humbled the Israelites and allowed them to become hungry so he could feed them with manna. He did it to teach them that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
It was the word from God that caused manna to fall every morning. Their lives literally depended on the faithfulness of God’s word and the bread produced by it. This bread, called manna, was sweet like wafers made with honey.
Jesus is both the Word made flesh and the bread of life. We are instructed to “Taste and see that the Lord is good”.
Ask Holy Spirit to shine His light in you. Let Him bring healing to those broken places so they can produce humility, generosity, true worship, gratefulness and patience instead.
As you take communion today, you are applying the blood of Jesus over your heart. The result will be that you are satisfied with His sweetness and your song of joy will return.