Day 14

30 Day Challenge - Day 14


We might often consciously choose kindness or patience in a situation, aware that these are honorable virtues to have. Humility, however, is generally not a virtue we ever think about or aspire to.

A simple definition of humility is not being haughty or arrogant but offering one’s self in a spirit of deference or submission. Romans 12:10 explains it this way:

“Be devoted to tenderly loving your fellow believers as members of one family. Try to outdo yourselves in respect and honor of one another.” TPT

Psalms 10:17 in The Passion Translation shows us the emphasis God places on humility as well as some of the benefits.

“Yahweh, you have heard the desires of the humble and seen their hopes. You will hear their cries and encourage their hearts.”

We are called to follow Jesus’ example even though the practice of humility may seem counterintuitive. When faced with the choice of leaving heaven to take on human form, He chose obedience in every detail.

“He humbled himself and became vulnerable, choosing to be revealed as a man and was obedient. He was a perfect example, even in his death—a criminal’s death by crucifixion!”

Philippians 2:8 TPT

In humility, Jesus became sin for us. He took the punishment for what He did not do in order to offer you the opportunity of salvation - forgiveness, healing, wholeness and fulfillment of purpose.

Thank you Jesus for choosing humility, even to the point of death, for me. Teach me to follow your example.