Day 12
30 Day Challenge - Day 12
Keep the Blood Warm
In Exodus 29 we learn that the Levites killed a lamb every morning and every evening. A flawless little lamb died every morning and every evening.
“Now this is what you shall offer on the altar: two lambs of the first year, day by day continually.
“One lamb you shall offer in the morning, and the other lamb you shall offer at twilight.”
Exodus 29:38-39 NKJV
As a boy I would tag along with my brothers hunting. When they would kill a deer or other animal, I remember the meat was fresh and the blood was warm. That experience was always sobering. Even though it was food for us, a life was taken.
I believe that God wants us to keep the blood of Jesus warm in us. Don’t ever grow cold to the fact that Jesus died for us; that the son of God was killed so we could be birthed into His family!
We can only imagine how much power was felt when the early church received communion! Those who were with Jesus on that night had not forgotten their experience! The memory was fresh in their minds each time.
In 2,000 years Jesus’ zeal and passion for us has not cooled. It has not tempered. It is still on fire! He is consumed with zeal for us!
As you receive Communion today, we pray that there is a holy fire burning in you for all that Jesus has done for us!